Why Vietnamese human hair is consider best strand in the hair market?

Ngày đăng: 05/08/2024 bởi Amanda

Whenever talking about luxury hair, people often think of Vietnamese women’s hair.

Why is Vietnamese women’s hair considered to have the best hair on the current hair material market?

In this blog, let’s find out with Vic Hair

There are 3 main reason to make Vietnamese women’s hair is considered the best hair source today are climate, food and hair care products in Vietnam.

1st reason: Climate

Vietnam is in the tropical, hot and humid climate zone, so this is one of the ideal conditions for women’s hair to grow quickly and thickly.


2nd reason: Source of nutritious food that Vietnamese people use

You can see that the eating habits of Vietnamese people have always been very scientific. When looking at the dining table of Vietnamese families, you will always see dishes of animal and plant origin mixed together very richly.

We do not eat too much food of animal origin and do not abuse canned food or fast food. All dishes are carefully prepared before eating.
We use a lot of vegetable oils such as soybean oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, sesame oil… and the oils from these seeds are very good for the skin, hair and nails.

3rd reason: Hair care products in Vietnam

Vietnam often focus on natural origin factors products. This is considered one of the main reasons why Vietnamese women’s hair is very strong and shiny.
Life is becoming more and more modern and people are gradually getting used to using industrial chemicals in hair care. Industrial shampoos are widely used in urban areas and big cities because of their convenience. However, in rural and mountainous areas in Vietnam, people still have the habit of using natural products in hair care and nourishment.

In rural and mountainous areas, they do not overuse industrial shampoos. They tend to use herbal shampoo products in hair care. They use herbal shampoo to clean their hair and use homemade essential oil serums from fruit peels (coconut, grape fruit, lime, lemon.. and grass (citronella) to nourish their hair.







I will tell you about my personal story and experience with my family.
I live in a rural area in Bacninh – a famous province for the wig industry in Vietnam today.
I have never used any industrial shampoo until I was 15 years old. Before that, my mother often washed my hair with a special water made from a fruit that we often call Bo Ket (black locust tree). Every autumn is the season to harvest Bo Ket. At this time, the old Bo Ket fruits will turn from green to jet black. People harvest them, dry them in the sun and use them to wash their hair for a whole year.

After drying by sunlight, Bo Ket is grilled or roasted, then put in a pot of boiling water and soaked for 20 minutes. Then use this water to wash your hair. So my hair is always strong and shiny black.


Another natural product is grapefruit, lemon and citronella essential oils.

After I gave birth, I lost a lot of hair due to hormonal changes. My mother used dried grapefruit peels to boil water then wash my hair with that water for a while and at the same time used grapefruit peel essential oil to apply to the scalp and gently massage the area where the hair was falling out. The scent of grapefruit peels is very pleasant and lightly fragrant. After a few month later, my hair became strong and healthy, did not fall out much and a lot of new hair grew out. Only then did I know the effect of lemon and grapefruit essential oils extracted from the peels to help stimulate hair growth.


These are some main reason that make Vietnamese women hair strand is strong and healthy and to be consider one of best raw material in the hair market. At Vic Hair we collect only healthy hair of young girl and mid-age women in rural and mountainous area and that is reason why our hair always in luxury quality with good hair strand

So free connect our team for more support about human hair with reasonable best price